The Fine Lady's Airs, by Thomas Baker
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The Fine Lady's Airs, by Thomas Baker
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"The Fine Lady's Airs" from Thomas Baker. English dramatist and lawyer (c. 1680 – 1749).
The Fine Lady's Airs, by Thomas Baker- Published on: 2015-11-23
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .15" w x 6.00" l, .22 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 64 pages
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Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Rated "R" for "Restoration." By Christopher (o.d.c.) Thomas Baker, as the Introduction says, was bucking a trend in 18th Century drama, by sticking to the "Restoration" standard of frank sexuality. This play is much coarser than, say The Busie Body:Sir Har[ry]. My dear Collonel, prithee why so pensive? I have had the pleasantest Adventure this Afternoon, going to the Bank to receive Mony; in Pater-Noster-Row I saw two of the loveliest Sempstresses the Trade e'er countenanc'd; I went into the Shop, struck up a Bargain, whipt over to the Castle, where we eat four Crabs, top'd six Bottles, skuttl'd up and down, kiss'd, towz'd and tumbl'd 'till we broke ev'ry Chair in the Room. But you are so engag'd with Lady Rodomont, your Company's a Blessing unattainable... which is pretty rock'n'roll, although far from the smuttiest thing in the play. Here is my favorite double entendre:Mrs. Lov. Were my Fortune, Major, equal to my Lady's, my Judgment wou'd be as much admir'd in such a Choice as my Happiness wou'd be envy'd; but my Lady's of so uncommon a cold Constitution so whimsically gay, and fond of new Diversions, she laughs at ev'ry serious Thought of Love.Bra. Perhaps, Madam, my Lady never had an Offer worth her serious Notice, the Fops a course chatter and teaze the Women, but when great Statesmen condescend to Love, and while they Court, Affairs of State stand still; a Lady shou'd be proud of such an Offer; what Woman wou'd not think her self most highly honour'd to have an amorous Judge approach her with his Tipstaff.Which, in a nutshell, is the theme of the play- Lady Rodomont enjoys her consequence as a rich, unmarried woman far too much to marry any of her plentiful suitors. Meanwhile, the soldiers (The Colonel and Sir Harry) and their servants (Knapsack and Shrimp), back from the war, are rampaging London with one thing on their minds.This could be the basis for a fine musical comedy. My one complaint about formatting, which probably goes back to the 1709 edition, is that many of the speeches are obviously in blank verse, but are printed as prose.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. For the student of English By Erik van Ees First question: explain a three star rating? This is not a reading book, it's an alternative to reading your telephone book to cure insomnia. For the student of early 1700s English society morals and behaviour, this is a fine study book. Fill a flask with coffee, polish your glasses, pull up a thick notebook and a dictionary, sharpen some pencils and settle in for a grand time of studying. If you're looking for a summer read on the beach, Beware of the Fine Lady's Airs! You're going to wake up on the sand in the sun with a bad case of sunburn.
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